Project leader Anne Pintsch at Arendalsuka

On 14 August, project leader Anne Pintsch took part in the panel discussion “How can Norway support resilient governance in Ukraine” at this year’s Arendalsuka. The panel was organised by the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre based at the Chr. Michelsens Institutt. The speakers included Oleksandra Keudel, Associate Professor at the Kyiv School of Economics; Tuva Grimsæth Bugge, Senior Adviser at the Department for the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine, Norad, and Monica Kirya, Deputy Director of the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre.

Arendalsuka 2024 in Arendal, Norway; Picture: Arendalsuka/ Mona Hauglid

“Lowering the Bar” project’s Post-Doc Maryna Rabinovych Presents her Paper on Compliance at the PLURICOURTS Research Conference on Compliance Mechanisms

Source: Colourbox

her paper titled Compliance Mechanisms in the EU “Development and “Integration without Membership” Association Agreements: A Quest for Commitment and Ownership at the PLURICOURTS Research Conference on Compliance Mechanisms at the University of Oslo’s Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order. The key objective behind her paper is to explore why the EU may prefer to use informal mechanisms, rather than formal ones when addressing the instances of partners’ non-compliance with their obligations under Association Agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia (integration without membership context), and Latin America and the Caribbean (development cooperation context). It is shown that in both contexts, the EU’s preference forto informal mechanisms is primarily driven by its aspiration to promote partner countries’ commitment to and ownership of AAs through cooperation and assistance, rather than make them comply through formal mechanisms, such as dispute resolution or various forms of sanctions. It is, however, emphasized that if the non-compliance matter severely violates the EU’s or Member States’ interests, the EU may prefer to use a formal compliance mechanism. To ask for a draft paper, please contact Dr. Maryna Rabinovych,  

More information about the conference can be found under this link.